Monday, September 21, 2009

ASD was a short lived advertising network that worked in principle, but the feds decided it was a 'ponzi' scheme. Seeing how only a certain percentage of the money coming in was being divided up toward the people in the business, I still can't logically see how it would fit the definition of 'ponzi', but there you go. There was quite a bit of 'shadiness' in the actions of the feds, but I won't delve into it.

Subsequently the ASD people, or someone closely related to them, set up off-shore and have been running a similar website called 'Ad View Daily'. It's still free advertising, or advertising you can pay for if you're so inclined. And the feds haven't tried to shut them down, though it looks like someone did rip them off for a good amount of money, and they've been having problems of their own on the financial front.

My suggestion? If you want the free advertising, go for it. All that will cost you is TIME. If someone asks you to pour money into it? Avoid doing so for a good while. If it proves itself stable after a few years, it might not be a bad idea. For now, be very, very cautious.

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